
Rapid Transformational Therapy was developed and fine-tuned over thirty years by world-renowned therapist, Marisa Peer. 

To put it super simply, RTT is basically like hypnotherapy on STEROIDS.  

RTT combines the most effective techniques from NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy with the ability to transform lives without years of talking therapy (I'm not bashing talking therapy BTW as I know many people love it, but I tried it on and off for years and just felt like I was going round in circles & I know many others feel the same way) 

It's a powerful hybrid therapy that gets to the ROOT cause of your issues and massively interrupts and transforms them at a subconscious level - and our behaviour is guided by the subconscious, so this creates life-changing results.

What’s Rapid Transformational Therapy

What Happens in a RTT Session?

Looking at these scenes with your adult eyes, you can give new meaning to them and re-interpret and thus undo any irrational beliefs that you may have formed as a child. After looking over three or four scenes from your life and working together to understand their meaning, I then empower you to give your mind better suggestions, upgrading you with new helpful, supportive beliefs that are in line with what you want for yourself and your life. 

You then receive a 15-20 minute recording which you listen to for at least 21 days to solidify your beliefs at the subconscious level. Our behaviour is guided by the subconscious (it controls about 95% of our life!), so this creates life-changing results.

This repetition at the subconscious level lays the groundwork for lasting change, guiding your thoughts and actions towards alignment with your goals and desires.

This is why RTT works so well for things like confidence, self-worth, shame, fear of judgement, procrastination etc etc.

You don’t need months or years of therapy to see profound changes. Rapid Transformational Therapy does exactly what it says on the tin.

Some people are wary of hypnosis because they think they won’t be in control and I’ll be overriding their free will. That’s not true. 

Your mind works for you. It does what YOU tell it to do. 

“Yeah Dionne but what about those people on stage that run around like a chicken?” They volunteered to be on that stage. They were willing participants. 

With RTT, I start by putting you into a very relaxed state of hypnosis. You might even not “feel” like you’re in hypnosis but I love to get my clients to do some super cool suggestibility exercises to show that they are ;)

In this relaxed state with access to your subconscious mind, we revisit several scenes from your life which have everything to do with where your deeper beliefs (which are driving your current behaviours) and presenting issues stemmed from.